Saturday, December 22, 2007

Marshmallow World

With only three days left to go we are trying our best to enjoy this season.

An official blizzard hit Wichita today. Judah and Kenton had a blast with it.

Our friends hosted a small Pajama Christmas party last night. Instead of the classic game, "Chubby Bunny," we played a more thematic version called "Chubby Snowman." We had too much fun.


  1. HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!

    It's just as funny watching it as it was doing it!

    Better watch out chumps, I've been practicing!!!

  2. So sad that we missed the puke fest. Looks like you all had a great time. Love the pjs too!

  3. Kenton didn't win...I know he couldn't say "chubby snowman." You guys are crazy...glad nobody hurled on the table. :-) Although Wendy and Jamie came pretty close!
