I think Judah adopted that mentality as well!
I present the long awaited:
Cox Farm.
Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch.
The three of us wandered through the corn one Saturday night. I was aMAZED at Kenton's navigation skills. I was sure we were lost and going to have to become citizen's of the corn children! But he knew right where we were the whole time, what a Renaissance man!
GG Mom treated Judah and his cousin (all of us too) to a great day at the Patch the next weekend.
It was a memory we won't soon forget.
The presents started arriving in the mail! The big day couldn't get here soon enough!
PUMP IT UP!!!!! Was a blast for all. Check out sweaty Kenton, He was an inflatable force to be reckoned with!!! He was ruthless. I had just finished the marathon and was lucky to be standing, let alone jumping. But did that stop him from taking me out in thebattle dome? No!
I can't believe he's four! It's just too fast!