I got some new bling and a new PR for my Birthday this year!! My legs are paying the price today for my new 1/2 marathon PR of 1:32:59!!
It was a beautiful day. Mostly cloudy, cool, and even a few spots of sprinkles. This was the biggest turn out for Wichita's half ever. 1060 finishers crossed the line yesterday. I was so proud to be the 53rd and the 6th female. It was a close race for the top 10 females yesterday. I was the 3rd place finisher in the 25-29 age group.
I've long forgotten the side stitch that really bugged me the last 5 miles. I was so encouraged by all the runners out there yesterday. I swear, I must have known 1/2 of them. My family laughed because every time I turned around I was greeted by another familiar face. It's wonderful to belong to the running community in Wichita.
It's even better to be supported by them. With a new course in place, the route swung back through one area allowing you to see runners still on their way out. I was really pumped as people were letting me know my rank in the female placing. Many people cheered just because I was a girl coming through the front of the pack. Wow, talk about humbling!
By mile 9 I was told repeatedly that I was the 7th female. Through their encouragement, I was able to charge forward and finish strong as the 6th female.
I'm a lucky girl, I've had a great season.
Here's the details..if you're interested